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Exploring Odzun Church: A Hidden Gem in Armenia

Welcome to the Lori Province of Armenia, where history whispers through the stones and echoes through the ages. Nestled in the village of Odzun, the Odzun Church stands tall, a testament to Armenia’s rich cultural and architectural heritage. Join us on a journey through time as we unravel the secrets of this ancient Armenian basilica.

Origins and Construction

Odzun Church, a marvel frozen in time, is believed to have been constructed between the 5th and 7th centuries. Initially built in the 6th century, it underwent a transformation in the 8th century under the skilled hands of Hovhannes III Odznetsi, a local from Odzun. The result? A breathtaking pink felsite basilica with three naves.

Traveltoer-Exploring Odzun Church A Hidden Gem in Armenia
Traveltoer-Exploring Odzun Church A Hidden Gem in Armenia
Traveltoer-Exploring Odzun Church A Hidden Gem in Armenia

Wandering around Odzun Church, you’ll notice its distinctive arcaded cloisters at the northern and southern sides, offering a unique architectural touch. Barrel-vaulted roofs add to the allure, while intricate carvings of Christ, angels, and biblical scenes grace the façades, telling stories of faith and tradition.

Location: Odzun 3,1731 Armenia

Renovations and Additions

Between 2012 and 2014, meticulous renovations breathed new life into Odzun Church. Two small bell towers, added in the 19th century, now stand proudly, adding a charming contrast to the ancient structure. The church, a living testament to resilience, showcases a blend of historical authenticity and contemporary care.

Traveltoer-Exploring Odzun Church A Hidden Gem in Armenia
Traveltoer-Exploring Odzun Church A Hidden Gem in Armenia
Traveltoer-Exploring Odzun Church A Hidden Gem in Armenia

Gravestones and Funerary Monuments

Surrounding the church, clergy gravestones and a mysterious funerary monument captivate visitors. Could it commemorate Hovhannes Odznetsi or date back to the 6th century, marking the introduction of Christianity in Armenia? The carvings tell tales of a bygone era, inviting contemplation.

Odzun Church houses one of two claimed funerary monuments in Armenia, believed to have been gifted by an Indian king in the 8th century. The other rests in Aghudi in the Syunik Province. These monuments weave threads of international connection into the rich tapestry of Armenian history.

Traveltoer-Exploring Odzun Church A Hidden Gem in Armenia
Traveltoer-Exploring Odzun Church A Hidden Gem in Armenia
Traveltoer-Exploring Odzun Church A Hidden Gem in Armenia

Odzun Church in Armenian Culture

Belonging to the Armenian Apostolic Church, Odzun Church is not just an architectural wonder but also a spiritual haven. Categorized as a tourist attraction within the Lori Province, it beckons travelers seeking a blend of history, spirituality, and natural beauty.

Odzun Monastery: An Epitome of Armenian Architecture

Beyond the church, Odzun Monastery, built between 303-313, stands as a significant example of Armenian architecture from the early Middle Ages. King Tridates III and Grigor the Illuminator blessed this Armenian basilica, rooted in the traditions of anointing.

The Name’s Essence

The name “Odzun” finds its roots in the Armenian word “otsel,” meaning “anoint.” Legends tie it to Thomas, a disciple of Jesus Christ, who allegedly anointed priests and bishops here in the 1st century. Each stone seems to hold echoes of ancient rituals.

Traveltoer-Exploring Odzun Church A Hidden Gem in Armenia
Traveltoer-Exploring Odzun Church A Hidden Gem in Armenia
Traveltoer-Exploring Odzun Church A Hidden Gem in Armenia

Rebuilding and Transformations

Catholicos Hovhannes of Odzun left his mark between 717-728, transforming the structure into a three-aisled pink basilica. Arched cloisters, a carving of Jesus Christ, and three entrances distinguish Odzun Church, standing as a testament to continuous architectural evolution.

An underground passage, now a hidden relic of the past, once connected Odzun Church with the church of Tsiranavor. Nearby, a funerary monument from the 5th-6th centuries reveals evangelical scenes, adding depth to the historical narrative.

Soviet-Era Struggles

Despite facing disrepair and reconstruction during the 1980s, Odzun Church stands proud today. Partial Soviet-era restoration efforts came to a halt after the collapse of the Soviet Union, leaving the church to tell a story of resilience and survival.


Odzun Church distinguishes itself among Armenian dome basilicas. Its unique outline, architectural grandeur, and historical importance draw tourists from around the globe. Visitors come not only for the beauty of the church but also for the serenity of the surrounding nature and the warm embrace of traditional Armenian hospitality.

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Odzun Church is believed to have been constructed between the 5th and 7th centuries.

Hovhannes III Odznetsi, a local from Odzun, reconstructed the church in the 8th century.

Odzun Church features arcaded cloisters, barrel-vaulted roofs, and intricate carvings of Christ, angels, and biblical scenes.

Renovations took place between 2012 and 2014.

The church houses one of two claimed funerary monuments in Armenia, believed to have been gifted by an Indian king in the 8th century.

King Tridates III and Grigor the Illuminator, the first Armenian Catholicos, blessed Odzun Monastery during its construction.

The name “Odzun” is derived from the Armenian word “otsel,” meaning “anoint.”

Catholicos Hovhannes of Odzun rebuilt the church between 717-728.

Yes, an underground passage once connected Odzun Church with the church of Tsiranavor.

Odzun Church stands out for its unique outline, architectural grandeur, and historical importance, drawing tourists for its beauty, surrounding nature, and traditional Armenian hospitality.

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